Looking for Accountability Buddies

on 8/5/12 12:59 pm
Hello - my 3 year anniversary is coming up!  Like many of you, I have loved my new life!  I never quite got to my goal of 140 but fluctuate b/t 155 and 157 and that was ok for me.  Now, I am up at 160 and can feel the difference.  I would like to get 10 pounds off and keep it off.

So, I just need some help and accountability to get on track. (Note:  I had twins 9 months ago and have a 4.5 year old - life is wild!!  I also work full time.)

Here comes the honesty part.  I always drinking water during my meals.  I never eat protein first. I haven't given up white carbs.  So - Where should I start?  What are the most helpful tools that I need to commit to for LIFE??   For instance, I gave up carbonation just before the surgery and haven't had a sip since, so I know that I can be committed if it works!

I started running and am going to run 4x a week and wear my fit bit.

I think that I should post my daily food intake like the rest of you. 

Does the 5 day pouch test work?  I would like the tightness feeling back and haven't felt that in so long.  I just feel hungry all the time. 

Another idea that I had was not eating after 8 PM?

Anyway - I would love a buddy/buddies to get me back on track.

PLUS - If I can get the 10 pounds off and keep it off for a year, then I will get a tummy tuck!  Two c-sections later - I need it!!!

Whew - I feel so much better just typing this out!  Looking forward to hearing from you all!!!
on 8/6/12 10:46 am
 Welcome!  I just started posting my accountability recently as well. I have heard mixed opinions about the 5 day pouch test and have never done it myself so I don't have any first hand knowledge of how effective-or not, it is.  I think you pretty much nailed the things you need to do to get back on track when you listed what you haven't been doing.  

You are already committed to exercise and have Fitbit to help.  If you are not tracking your food intake each day, I would start. I use MyFitnessPal and it syncs with your Fitbit.  I plan my meals each day at least a day ahead of time so when I wake up I have a plan in place that covers all my nutrition goals for the day.  If you haven't spoken to a nutritionist in awhile you may want to.  As I was heading into maintenance, I met with my nut to talk about what my macronutrient balance should be and what my caloric intake should be based on my Resting Metabolic Rate.   If you want to find out yours (if you don't know it) you can to go www.caloriesperhour.com.  The site has a RMR calculator to help you figure it out.  With this information, you know what your caloric intake should be based on your height, weight, gender, age and activity level.

That's all I can think of right now.  Look forward to seeing you post.
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